Thanksgiving is in 2 1/2 weeks!

Here’s a little Thanksgiving poem I wrote, just for fun.


T’was the morning after Thanksgiving

T’was the morning after Thanksgiving, and all through our house,

I was the creature stirring, as sneaky as a mouse.

The kiddies, all cozy and snug in their beds,

The hubby’s arm stretched out, across the back of my head.

While visions of cheap prices danced in my mind,

I couldn’t wait to get there and see what I’d find.

Carefully, I lifted the covers and slid down,

Had just made it out of bed, without making a sound.

When out of the driveway arose such a clatter,

I sprang down the stairs to see what was the matter.

Away to the window, I went for a look,

Peeked through the curtains, that hung on a hook.

The sun was not up yet and the moon cast its glow,

The tree was glistening white, covered in fresh snow.

When, what to my sleepy eyes should appear?

But, my best friend, with her shopping gear.

She had Starbucks in hand and two-way radios too,

Her fanny pack had wish lists that bulged and grew.

I ran to the door and opened it wide,

I had to hurry and let her inside.

She smiled knowingly, when she saw my wrinkled mess,

I’d slept in my clothes, to help with readiness.

I sprang upstairs, to get my purse and shoes,

I dashed right back and was ready to cruise.

My friend drove, while I looked at the flyers,

There were such good deals at Target and Meijers.

I sipped some Starbucks and said with a smile,

“These deals only come once in a great while.”

Now, Walmart! Then, Kohls and JC Penney, too.

Of course, Target and Best Buy and Limited II.

We made it to the first store just as the long lines took flight,




8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving is in 2 1/2 weeks!

  1. Hi , it’s Thanksgiving Day! I’m happy with my extra day off, and I am planning to doing something fun that’ll probably involve a moto trip and seeing something new in Castle Rock I haven’t seen yet.
    You write something new at Thanksgiving?

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